ISO 14001
Certification aimed at demonstrating that the organisation has an adequate management system in place to keep the environmental impacts of its activities under control; the organisation also systematically seeks to improve its operations, in a coherent, effective and above all sustainable way.

ISO 45001
La UNI ISO 45001 è la prima norma internazionale per la salute e la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Stabilisce un quadro per migliorare la sicurezza, ridurre i rischi in ambito lavorativo e migliorare la salute e il benessere dei lavoratori, permettendo così alle organizzazioni di aumentare in modo proattivo le performance in materia di salute e sicurezza.

International Featured Standards. Recognised by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), favours the effective selection of mass-retail food suppliers, based on their ability to provide safe products, compliant with the applicable contractual specifications and legal requirements. This model is recognised both in Europe, as well as in the rest of World.

The BRC (British Retail Consortium) global standard is one of the most commonly used operational tools to select suppliers in the agri-food chain, particularly as pertaining to the mass-retail sector. This standard represents the company’s ongoing commitment to safety, quality and compliance with the latest health and hygiene regulations governing the agri-food sector.

Food Facilities Certificate: certification that facilitates the accreditation of production plants where food products destined for America are processed, in order to ensure food safety.

BIO: certification that guarantees environmental sustainability, product quality and origin of raw materials, together with compliance with precise processing methods along the entire supply chain up to the final consumer.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) aims to promote the cultivation and use of sustainable palm oil. This standard responds to customers’ requests and requirements regarding their commitment to the sustainability of products made from palm oil, meeting the needs of major distributors and retailers, certifying product sustainability and demonstrating commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices.
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FAIRTRADE ethical certification which ensures better living and working conditions for producers and workers in developing countries. It represents a valid tool that companies can choose to guarantee their customers social and environmental sustainability along the entire supply chain.

An international certification programme pertaining to cocoa and hazelnuts, which aims to ensure that primary production is carried out correctly and without taking advantage of workers and local populations. The key advantage is to clearly identify a product for which ethical and environmental principles have been respected.

Certification that is obtained following a control process by a specialized rabbinical body that supervises the productions to ensure that they comply with Jewish dietary rules.

Certification that serves to certify that the products that are part of the agri-food supply chains comply with the ethical and hygienic standards of the law and doctrine of Islam.